Now, More Than Ever, You Need Your Yoga
In an effort to keep our community healthy, we feel the need to take a few measures in the studio and to address any concerns you might have. We encourage you to continue your practice, to continue being mindful of your actions, and to keep your mind, body, and soul healthy by breathing, and moving. We recognize that viruses spread quickly - so does panic, fear, hysteria, love, kindness, and joy - be mindful to what you choose to spread.
Schedule Change:
For now, our 5:30am classes have been suspended. We will notify you when the classes will come back on the schedule. More classes may be suspended based on attendance and we will notify you of any changes as soon as possible. If you have any requests, please feel free to email
In Studio Policies:
We have removed all of the blankets and bolsters in the yoga rooms. If you need extra padding for your knees, please ask for an extra towel at the front desk. We will continually assess when we should bring the blankets back.
We have asked teachers to stop making lavender towels for the time being.
If you would like to continue using shared blocks, we have provided block cleaner in the studio (alcohol, water, lavender, tea tree oil). Please clean your blocks before and after use.
We encourage you to bring your own mat, towels, and blocks.
We have always cleaned mats after each use and will continue to do so. Please consider bringing your mat for the time being.
We will continue to clean and sanitize the floors daily.
We will be using stronger cleaning agents on hard surfaces.
What We ask of You:
Please wash your hands before and after class.
Stay at home if you have symptoms of illness such as coughing, fever, sneezing, runny noses. It is difficult to determine the difference between flus, colds, and allergies so please use your best judgment in determining whether to come to class or not.
We will continue with babysitting and kids yoga. Please do not bring kids that are not feeling well or who are showing symptoms of illness.
Bring your own mat and towels.
Thank you for your understanding. We are so grateful for all of our yoga family and we know that your practice is important to you. We encourage you to continue practicing, to let yoga play a part in keeping you healthy not just in your body, but in your mind and soul. Now more than ever, yoga can help calm fears, quiet the mind, and reduce anxiety.