Meet Eboni! She recently finished our Yoga Teacher Training this past spring (with her mom no less) - she's also a high school dance teacher at a local high school. She practices yoga regularly and leads a physically active lifestyle. Her yoga journey began about 4 years ago when she started practicing Bikram yoga as a way to reduce day-to-day stress and gain more flexibility. To her surprise, she found a challenging physical practice that also helped challenge her mentally.
Eboni says that yoga was her saving grace in life. "I recently went through a tough transitional phase in my life, and yoga helped me to “rediscover” myself. It has challenged and encouraged me to embrace the present moment, face my fears and limitations, and has nudged me to step out of my comfort zone, both on and off the mat."
Eboni decided that yoga teacher training would be a good next step for her to learn more about the practice that she loved. What she found was that not only did she learn to teach yoga, but that the training helped her become a better dance teacher and a better communicator.
We asked her to describe her experience: "I would highly encourage anyone who is considering becoming a yoga teacher or looking to learn more about yoga to join Awakened Yoga’s teacher training program. The instructors are personable and knowledgeable in the mechanics and art of yoga, and provide a warm and inviting experience for students of all levels of experience. My favorite part of the teacher training program was getting to work with my peers and creating yoga sequences together. It allowed us to get to know each other better and allowed for us to incorporate our different personalities into our practice. It also helped us to become more confident and skilled in instructing others. Do it! Step out of your comfort zone! The other side of fear and doubt is a stronger you!"
Our next teacher training session begins this fall - Nov 7! Read more at www.awakenedyogastudio.com/teacher-training.